Cameron's & Kate's A-List Style - Cameron Diaz

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They're gorgeous, they're successful, they're hugely talented, and, yes, they are bona fide movie stars. The stuff legends are made of. They're also women working in a world where "over 30" is considered an older demographic. Wow, talk about stress in the workplace. Their every move is written about and photographed. What they wear to an event shows up on the Internet before they get home from the party.
So what's it like to be them? I've spent much of the last year working with these two beautiful women. They are, as my mother would say, solid citizens. They both have a tremendous work ethic. They're both disciplined, thoughtful, and hilarious. And both, quite silently, handle all that has come to them with genuine aplomb.
We finished shooting our film, The Holiday, about six months ago. I now talk to Kate and Cameron all the time through e-mail. When Bazaar asked me to interview them, I relished the opportunity. So here are their answers, in their own words. As extraordinary as Kate and Cameron are, they're also in many ways just as regular as you and I. And, like the rest of us, they have a lot to say about celebrity, fashion, beauty, and the pressure and fun of it all.
Nancy Meyers: Some celebrities seem to dress insanely well just to go to Starbucks. Because of the paparazzi, do you have to think about what you wear every time you go out?
Kate Winslet: I should probably think about what I wear when I go out more than I actually do, as I invariably look like a sweaty mess! But the truth is, if you start dressing up to go to the grocery store, then it seems to me that someone or something else is taking over the way you view yourself, and I find that quite sad. So I try not to think too much about my appearance.
Cameron Diaz: Yes, there are some gals out there who seem to have enough time to do hair, makeup, and wardrobe before they have their first cup of joe. I've found it rather unrealistic and just not humanly possible to be camera ready my entire existence — obviously, because there are certainly some hideous pictures of me out there. Oddly enough, my regular life is not a red-carpet event.
NM: How would you describe your style?
KW: Extremely thrown together.
CD: Pretty eclectic. I grew up in California, so I tend to dress casually most of the time. I like to be comfortable, but I also like to have a bit of fl air; that's the Cuban in me. I like fl ashy, shiny, glittery bits. And color. I love a splash of color.
NM: Has your look changed?
KW: I've no idea. Doubt it!
CD: I used to wear a lot of cardigans with neckerchiefs, but that's morphed into other versions over the years of sweaterscarf pairing.
NM: What's your favorite clothing?
KW: Hanky Panky undies! Right, Cameron?
CD: I love Hanky Panky, too. I also live in my William Rast jeans [codesigned by boyfriend Justin Timberlake]. It's the best denim I've ever worn. And, believe me, I've worn a lot of denim. A lot.

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NM: What was the first expensive piece of clothing you bought?
KW: I was an extra in a breakfast-cereal commercial when I was 11. This was my first paid acting job! I went out and bought a black leather jacket with the money I made. Spending all $110 of it! My mother was appalled. "Why buy one thing when you could have bought four?"
CD: Back in the early '90s, I had to make a choice: pay my rent or buy this Azzedine Alaïa dress. I still have it.
NM: What would you like to wear but know you couldn't pull off?
KW: Skinny jeans.
CD: I want to be a gown-wearing kind of gal. I know that people love to see their celebrities in gowns at red-carpet events, and I really want to be able to do it. But I just get so self-conscious when I wear a flowy gown. I guess it's the tomboy in me. But I think that it would be fun to find that within myself. So watch out, red carpet! Here I come!
NM: What don't you like about fashion?
KW: The only thing I dislike about fashion is that it changes all the time.
CD: I feel like there is a current trend to try to make girls look like their grandmothers. I'm not into granny lines … or thick, chunky, square heels.
NM: I read that Meryl Streep said, "For an actress, worrying about appearance is a horrible, horrible trap. It's great for acting to be unconscious of how you look and to be willing to mess up how you look and see what that does to people." What's your take on that subject?
KW: Meryl Streep is right. Worrying about your appearance is ghastly, timeconsuming, and pointless. I prefer looking like a mess onscreen as opposed to very well put together. In my experience, it's more interesting and liberating to play a person who is completely unconscious of how she looks.
CD: Different roles mean exploring different emotions, and finding ways of expressing them isn't always pretty. But there are movies that give the impression that actors are perfect all the time. I think that's how the public has come to expect that actors should always look a certain way, no matter if they are onscreen or off.
NM: We all know it's hard for women to get older onscreen. I've heard that's one reason why Garbo left the film business when she was 36. Katharine Hepburn, on the other hand, appeared in her last film at 87. What do you think about growing old in the movies?
KW: Bring it on! My only hope is that I'm thought of as being good enough to be invited back to work. And I really hope I'm still doing this when I am 87.
CD: I find it so interesting to watch the actors that I've grown up watching age. I think it's beautiful. I just watched a film tonight with Jack Nicholson, and I was observing how he looks now. I remember when I first saw him in The Shining. He was so young. It's been something of a gift to witness his life on film. As far as vanity goes and aging onscreen, I think that it's tough. I try not to put too much importance on it. I think picking your parts becomes like dressing as you get older: You have to pick the parts that are appropriate for you. At least that's what I hope for myself. You never know, though. Give me another 10 years and I might be singing another song.
NM: Acting on the big screen is all about showing emotion. So … what's your feeling about actresses who do Botox?
KW: Where, oh, where do I begin? Acting is about expressing emotion with ... guess what? Your face! It is hard for me to talk about Botox without getting angry. I find the whole debate extremely disturbing, and I tend to get too vocal for my own good when it comes to this particular subject. So I think I'd better shut up!
CD: Botox really freaks me out. It's very disturbing to me to watch actors emote and not see it on their face. You can see it in their chest, their hands, their body, even in their scalp, but, oddly, not their face. Believe me, I wish that I liked it. Who doesn't hope for a little help every once in a while? But I'm always so taken by women who are obviously natural and have aged without assistance. Their beauty always impresses me most and reaches a different part of my soul. I guess what it comes down to ultimately is it's how you wear your skin that makes you beautiful. Empower yourself, however that may be. And I do believe in tummy tucks and boob lifts. Just for the record.
NM: Other than your great genes, any beauty secrets?
KW: No beauty secrets, other than always take off makeup before bed. And a decent moisturizer.
CD: Beauty secrets? Ha! I'm definitely not going to share my beauty secrets. That's top-secret information. You can't have beauties like me running around all over the place. Someone could get hurt. Ha ha! I crack myself up. I don't know if these are beauty secrets, but what I do to feel my best is just exercise regularly, laugh and play often, and make love every moment I can. Oh, yeah, and lots of water.
NM: Do you wear makeup during the day? And if so, what?
KW: I wear a little makeup during the day. Always mascara, spot cover-up (most days!), and a bit of lip liner (which comes off within the first five minutes). I also keep a tube of lip balm in my bag. Dry lips are a friend to no one!
CD: I wear a mineral makeup that has SPF 30 in it. It has literally changed my skin. I wear SPF every day. I was using lotions for years and breaking out for years, and I figured out that it was the lotion causing most of it. I usually wear mascara. You know, I like makeup. It's fun for me. It's like painting, and I like to paint.
NM: Describe your costar's unique beauty.
KW: Cameron is always smiling and laughing. Life, to her, is about having fun. When she smiles, her whole face lights up. She has the ability to transform the atmosphere in a room with that laugh of hers! She also has the most incredible set of blue eyes and lips to die for.
CD: To me, Kate embodies the empowerment women have achieved over time. She is self-possessed and connected to her strengths and forgiving of her weaknesses. I think she is an excellent example of a modern woman. And she's hilarious! Funny! Funny! Funny! She's a good time, that Kate, a girl's girl. I think all of these qualities make her shine and give her the beauty that we all love to watch on film.
NM: What's your favorite film your costar has been in?
KW: Being John Malkovich. Cameron is absolutely brilliant in that movie. She is so completely divorced from who she is in reality. She is blissfully unself-conscious and absolutely real and eccentric at the same time.
CD: I think that my favorite film of Kate's is Heavenly Creatures. That film blew me away. And her performance really got under my skin. I had so many questions about human behavior after that film.
NM: If you could have one trait belonging to your costar, what would it be?
KW: Her ability to laugh at herself. Now, this really is a gift. Nothing delights this girl more than her own silliness! It's totally natural to her and delightful to those around her.
CD: Her ability to do impersonations. She actually morphs into another person right before your eyes. It's amazing.
NM: When you're not with your significant other, who do you like to hang out with?
KW: Call me predictable, but my kids.
CD: My family and my girlfriends.
NM: What's the best advice you ever got?
KW: Learn your lines way ahead of time!
CD: Never trust anyone who is too insistent on your trusting them.
NM: Best compliment you ever got?
KW: My son, who is three, said to me recently, "Mommy, you've got very beautiful eyebrows."
CD: I like you.