Evan Mock on What It Means to Be an Icon in 2022
Bazaar’s 2022 Icons issue celebrates a rising generation of stars—people 30 years old or younger who are making an impact on the world through their ideas and their art. Here, we talk to Gossip Girl star Evan Mock about where his ambitions come from.

Who is an icon from the past that you wish you met?
Bob Marley because I feel like we would get along. I mean, I don’t know who wouldn’t get along with Bob Marley, but, yeah, probably him.
Can you remember a moment when you felt like you’d made it?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a moment where I felt like I’ve made it, and I think that's what keeps me going forward and trying to accomplish things that I want to in life. I don’t ever really celebrate the things I’ve done. I enjoy them, but, yeah, I’m never really satisfied.
When do you feel the most iconic?
When I’m doing the things that I love doing, which are hanging out at the beach, going surfing, going skating with my friends. Just simple things in life.
Read more from Bazaar’s 2022 Icons issue.
Perri Tomkiewicz is an award-winning multidisciplinary designer, art director, and illustrator. She believes in the power of art and design as a catalyst for individual, communal, and societal transformation. Her visual heroes include Paul Rand, Milton Glaser, Paolo Sorrentino, and Alice Neel.