Tropical Manicure How To - Summer Nail Art

Media Platforms Design Team
Step One: Paint three bands of color on a small rectangular piece of sponge. We used the milky pink Ginger + Liz Gimme Some Suga, Ginger + Liz The Good Life, a pastel blue, ($12/each, and Ivx Voila, a royal navy ($16,

Media Platforms Design Team
Step Two: Blot sponge on each fingernail, repeating until you get desired coverage. Don't worry if you get on your skin—you'll deal with that in the next step.

Media Platforms Design Team
Step Three: Wrap the end of an orangewood stick with cotton—or use a Q-Tip—saturate it in nail polish remover, then clean up the excess paint around the nail bed.

Media Platforms Design Team
Step Four: Using a white striping brush, or any kind of small, thin brush, draw on palm trees and birds. We used Chelsea Porcelain by Londontown ($22,

Media Platforms Design Team
Follow Jessica on Instagram at @jessicawashick.

Hannah Morrill is a writer and editor based in Portland, Maine. She’s an avid reader, an indifferent face-washer and a sunscreen/retinol evangelist.